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Creating a Conferring Toolkit for Writer's Workshop

Mary Lois Staton Conference - February 22, 2011

Seasonal Activities

This guide gives information about the conference part of Writer's Workshop. It helps teachers create a portable toolkit to assist in teaching new writers.

These materials were presented during the Mary Lois Staton Conference at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC on February 22, 2010.

Writing Resources at Fuel the Brain

Conference Handout (PDF)

Writer's Workshop Conference Notes (DOC)

Writing Resources

These links are recommended resources to help with your tookit.

Once Upon a Reader’s Workshop Blog
Archived old entries; discusses marrying reading and writing

Ms. Winston

Saved conference forms in writing folder

lots of resources including units with detailed mini lessons (labeling, editing, WW volunteer poster, speech bubble paper, visual goal materials for students with focus/attention challenges

2nd Grade Cheat sheet

Two Writing Teachers - Writing blog

All About Books


Busy Teacher's Cafe Launching Packet

Peterson's Pad Labels
Green/Red labels for folders and “What Can I Write About?”